Community Programs
Community programs are open to all girls from across Long Island, regardless of whether or not they participate in our school-based programs.
Girls Inc. of Long Island community programs address all aspects of a girl’s life and helps her discover and develop her inherent strengths.

Bold Future Leaders
Bold Future Leaders brings together high school girls (grades 9-12) to develop strong leadership, advocacy, and college and career readiness skills. Our comprehensive approach helps develop girls’ interpersonal relationships, financial literacy, gain practical life skills, and confidence… thus equipping girls to become our community’s next leader, change-makers, and economically independent women.
Topics covered in this program include: healthy relationships, goal-setting, resume writing, communication, career exploration, and budgeting & investing.
Participants must meet the attendance requirement of missing no more than 3 sessions throughout the program duration to remain in Bold Future Leaders.
This program is sponsored by Bank of America.
Leadership Summit
Join us for this half-day of fun and evolutionary workshops for girls grades 9-12. The Girls Inc. of Long Island Fall Leadership Summit will guide our young women in high school on how to cultivate their leadership skills and prepare them for their future independence.
This event is sponsored by Travelers.
January 20, 2024
Nassau Community College
Spring Empowerment Conference
The Spring Empowerment Conference s a female-centric day of learning, bonding and self-exploration. Enjoy food, DJ, and giveaways!
Come get empowered!
This all-day conference brings together middle and high school girls for a day of Strong (healthy), Smart (educated) & Bold (independent) programming.
This year’s conference explores the theme of ‘Overcoming’ and includes:
-keynote address from a Girls Inc. alumna
– breakout workshops
– ‘Navigating Relationships Online & In-Real-Life’ panel discussion
– career speed mentoring
Girls will take away positive strategies for dealing with issues most relevant to them to ensure they become even Stronger, Smarter & Bolder!
DJ, Photo Booth, Prizes and More!
Saturday, April 13, 2024
Nassau Community College
If you’re Interested in participating in any of our community programs, contact Susan Dunbar, Program Manager at