Code of Conduct
Values: Respect the dignity of each human being. Recognize and support the strength of every girl. Appreciate, embrace, and advance diversity. Drive for results anchored in accountability. Operate collaboratively.
Vision: Powerful girls in an equitable society.
Mission: To inspire all girls to be strong, smart, and bold.
Mindful of our respect for one another, our regard for the reputation of Girls Inc. of Long Island, our pride in our personal and professional standing, and our obligation to girls nationwide, it is expected that all Girls Inc. of Long Island staff will:
- Conduct personal and professional relationships with awareness that, by agreeing to participate in the fulfillment of the organization’s mission, we assume responsibility for the honor of the Girls Inc. of Long Island community both internally and in the external world.
- Recognize that within the organization each person takes part in a social contract that assumes the fair, responsive, straightforward, and courteous communication and behavior that persons of good will and mutual trust may expect from one another.
We will accomplish the above as we encourage the next generation of young women to become responsible citizens who will effect positive change in their own communities and work environments.
At Girls Inc. of Long Island, every staff member is treated with the utmost respect and integrity. We as an organization embrace and value diversity and do not tolerate discrimination or harassment in any form. We will always strive to meet the highest standard of performance, quality, and service as we work to achieve our mission.
We will encourage a culture where individuals feel free to express their opinions, engage in open, honest debate in the interest of seeking truth and building consensus.
We are committed to professional development of all of our peers and take seriously our responsibility to support, nurture, teach, and inspire each other.
Girls Inc. of Long Island strives to inform and educate the general public regarding the strengths and needs of girls and young women. The Girls Inc. National Council adopts policy statements that express its values and convictions on issues that are considered critical to the health and well being of all girls. These policies, along with the Girls Inc. Girls’ Bill of Rights form the foundation for our programs, advocacy, communication, and public education activities.
Girls Inc. of Long Island will provide information that reflects and fosters these values and gives the public truthful, clear, and full disclosure of the organization’s programs, activities, finances, operating standards, and practices.
We will ensure that all confidential, privileged or nonpublic information is not disclosed inappropriately and will respect the privacy rights of all individuals.
To ensure that donors and prospective donors have full confidence in Girls Inc. of Long Island to use donations effectively and for their intended purposes, Girls Inc. of Long Island staff and volunteer leadership will:
- Provide access to the organization’s financial statements upon request and publish annual reports;
- Assure that all contributions are used for the purposes for which they are given;
- Provide appropriate acknowledgement and recognition;
- Assure all donations are handled with respect and confidentiality afforded by law, and upon request delete names from mailing lists that Girls Inc. of Long Island may share;
- Respond promptly and accurately to donor questions.
Girls Inc. of Long Island staff and philanthropic volunteers will practice fundraising with integrity, honesty, and adherence to the absolute obligation to safeguard the public trust.
Girls Inc. of Long Island is responsible to its stakeholders that include affiliates, board, donors, and others who have placed faith in our mission, support our goals and work on behalf and with girls and young women. To uphold this trust we will:
- Promote good stewardship of Girls Inc. of Long Island resources;
- Refrain from using organizational resources for non-Girls Inc. of Long Island purposes;
- Observe and comply with all laws and regulations affecting Girls Inc. of Long Island, staff, officers and board members;
- Insure open and transparent reporting and fiscal accountability.
We will disclose fully the state of our organization, recognizing that power comes from a healthy evaluation of both our strengths and weaknesses, and uphold the highest standards of accountability.
At Girls Inc. of Long Island we will avoid any conflict of interest or appearance of a conflict of interest.
We will avoid any activity with vendors, grantees, or others that would compromise decisions or the ability to effectively carry out the duties for which we are responsible or that would conflict with the best interest of Girls Inc. of Long Island.
All gifts, favors, fees or honoraria will be declared except for promotional items or items of nominal value.
We will avoid influencing the selection of staff, consultants and vendors solely on the basis of a personal relationship or nepotism (the favoring of relatives).
Any questions regarding the code, its interpretation or application should be directed to the Secretary of the Board (Compliance Officer), and in her or his absence, the Executive Director. If a staff member knows of a violation of the code, she or he should immediately report it to his or her department head or directly to the Compliance Officer. Any department head receiving such a report must immediately advise the Compliance Officer. The Compliance Officer will promptly investigate all alleged code violations.
Staff may also confidentially contact directly the Treasurer of the Board to report accounting or other financial concerns. A Board roster, listing Board committee chairpersons and their contact information, will be maintained in
Staff will not suffer retaliation in any form for reporting their concerns as described in the code.